Sensory Outings Activities
We provide enjoyable, life-enriching activities that promote self-esteem and independence for individuals living with early to advanced stage dementia or Alzheimer’s. We understand that self-actualization is what every emotional state of a person is connected to creative activities over time.

We like the illustrations that has on their website about dementia and activities. However, our Sensory Outings Approach* found a progression of activities that following early to advanced stage of dementia. The flexibility of our Approach allows you to personalize an activity to meet the individual’s interests and skill level.
The activities depend on active or passive and outdoors or indoors. Outdoor activities are great for reducing anxiety and depression. Passive activities like watching a movie and socializing with family or friends are necessary in a morning or at night. Whereas, engaging activities require concentration and positive interaction between you and your loved-one. The Montessori Method (Camp, 2001, 2006) aimed to reengage the types of memory that are spared by dementia including motor memory and repetition.
We modified this illustration for because of the progression of dementia and the skill level associated with the activity. Through the Montessori Method, children’s skills are taught from the very basic to the advanced levels whereas dementia skills are complex and change to very basic with time. For example, for early-stage dementia they know how to paint complex outlines and then when dementia progresses they will paint simple outlines. We understand what people with dementia like to do for activities – we have 10+ years experience with dementia and activities! We have compiled a list of activities with explanations and the stages of dementia (e.g., Sorting, Matching, Men’s Work) so become a new member to learn more !